I set up this blog to share with you my knowledge that I have aquired through life regarding psychological principals and profiles. I hope you find it helpful in understanding people and life. Most of my writing is psychologically based anyway, so I thought I should have a website for the more academic type essays. Thomas Paul Murphy
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Fifty Qualities That Make A Good Friend 08 26 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The Nature of Duplcity 03 01 2007
Friday, July 30, 2010
On Problem Solving 03 09 2010
Make your thoughts stand the test of reason. When they fail the test of reason you should start thinking better thoughts that stand the test of reason.
Do not be afraid to think of different ways to solve problems and don’t be afraid to laugh at the absurd and ridiculous thoughts that are unworkably foreign. Sometimes it is indeed helpful to make a joke out of the absurd to serve an annotation in the future of what not to do. Analyzing different outcome in this matter is the nature of development. Reflection upon events that actually transpire with regard to directions chosen is the basis of genius.
Build a ladder work of strong premises that do not sway from the immature intrusion of sick and uneducated minds. Listen but do not be led astray by foundations that rest on faulty premises or do not achieve hierarchical goals. This is a basis as you compare foundations of projects as to design, cost savings, and strength. But also with regards to all constructs of reason, judgment and philosophy, etc.
One of the main obstacles in teaching and in constructive politics in this country is, “A question that implies a false premise instead.”
Make sure foundations are built on a strong base or premises, that meet all standard project goals and more, otherwise you have built a “castle of sugar cubes.”
God Bless Those Who Think For Themselves
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Responsible Parenting and Maturation (another Socratic essay) 07 10 2010
Responsible Parenting and Maturation (another Socratic essay) 07 10 2010
Part I “Where the hell did she come from!”
“Would one man change the world slowly and destroy it to feed and maintain a negative self image his wife has of herself?” How far will men go to maintain a wife’s delusion of self? Are men there men that are this insecure? Yes. And are they married to women who never would listen in order to learn? Is happiness in a woman always defined by comparison? Comparison of herself to other women? Is that indeed the true nature of a gatherer?
Part II “Responsible Parenting”
Why aren’t they raised to take pride in little steps of accomplishment? They were never taught patience? Patience is taught by using the word and the meaning of the word “No” and making certain that it has been obeyed.
A child will go to great lengths not to realize the importance of others or respect them. Often when told something they talk right over what they were told. Listening to someone else would defeat their power of ignorance. In effect they deny the significance of others.
Often a child will hear grownups talking and not understand the conversation. Tell the child that people talk about things they know. Things they know are knowledge. People talk about events or happenings. And people talk about people, hopefully they say good things. A young child often feels like they are not part of a group because they do not understand the conversation. This is the time they should be patient as most things adults talk about are not relevant to the world of a child. Children learn over time.
Teaching why we say no requires the patience of intellect and this requires development of intellect in oneself. First you must be what you try and teach.
How do we reinforce the word “no”? A time out period or similar type of period or convention is required. The length of the period set and maintained. But the goal is for you to realize your child has learned, and sincerely realizes why what it did was wrong. Has the child thought enough to form its own memory? Without memory formation there is no learning.
Memories are solidified by asking the question back to the one taught after a certain length of time. (When learning for yourself, do this also.) The time lag should not be longer than the interval you dad come to expect the behavior to be repeated at.
If the undesirable behavior occurs again first the learning process has been subverted.
Understanding requires more than echolalia repeating back to you what was said to them. It requires conceptual formations that support it. And this is indeed the basis for greater learning and intelligence. Positive, constructive, productive thoughts link together forming an often coveted ladder-work of knowledge.
Part III “Guise and Posturing in Parenting”
I don’t want her, you can have her, she’s to “BRAT” for me. Do we do something because it is a good thing to do? Or do we do it to put on a show in public. Is a women more concerned with being well dressed and how she looks rather than having a substance of good nature and therefore self. Can a form of immaturity and disrespect to the teacher actually be considered the best form of flattery to the teacher such person, a black hearted person of envy, is capable of? I have found that whenever someone puts on a show to try and impress in such fashion as is consistent with this paragraph accidents are likely to happen. Such as when parents are disciplining their children in public? Is the desired effect achieved by this or is this more a cry for help and understanding put forth by a frustrated parent? Does humiliation in public have its limitations in terms of effectiveness, if it is to be considered effective at all in some forms? What kind of a public are we trying to create?
Part IV “The UNDESIRABLE Consequences of Her”
And by all means give credit where credit is due as anything else is destructive, for when demand exceeds resources, thievery, famine and plague result.
Was this essay based on the question, “Where the hell did she come from?” Indisputably it was.
God Bless Those Who Think For Themselves
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Two Siblings in One
Two Siblings in One 07 07 2010
Is there genetic testing to see if a child or person was born of a brother and sisters who were of same parents?
Can a child who is an inbred be termed “Two Siblings in One”? For the convention of this essay I will posture as such. As two siblings in one is such a human being in constant internal struggle with him/herself?
Would a two siblings in one person project this internal struggle outwards? Would this behavior be unfair towards others in its peer group? If children were secretly raised to be inbreeds, or two siblings in one, would they pose an unfair advantage to other society members as they externalize their internal struggles with little regard for others? How can a person who is two siblings in one have a discreet conscious? If a person does not have a discreet conscious, can they be reliable, can you trust them? Can they reach agreements internally as to what is right from wrong?
If such a preposterous construct were ever the case and a child was adopted, would we ever know? Is there a way we could test for this?
Some of us don’t need a test to tell and see when the head of the hydra is near. Some of us can feel the approach of a Medusa, look and then see her. Over time, the creeping eeriness of “Something wicked this way comes” does lesson a little.
Two fighting siblings in one! Is it highly likely that a two siblings in one child is more disturbed? Is one of these siblings always trying to get out or escape only to be in effect “sent back” or pulled back because like a tether made of rubber there is only one place for it to end up? Unless the tether breaks. What would a person as two siblings in one have to do in order to break the rubber tether? What does a two sibling in one person break all throughout their live in their drive to do this?
When a brother and sister are uglier than wet rabid dogs are they more likely to be incestuous?
I am not saying anything bad about hyperactive or attention deficit children, just wondering where they come from. Why are they this way?
I often pose questions through the Socratic Method of teaching to myself, in order to set a basis or framework of premises for understanding. A framework of solid premises is the basis of true intelligence and responsibility. Sometimes I indeed know a premise is true even though I will never be able to prove it, and therefore I set old Socrates to get working for me. I invite you to do the same, but I will not afford you the luxury that you assume your premises are true, only I can do this, because I thought of it first and have carved the decree into a tablet of stone right here and now.
The pressure inside the head of an inbred, from those two siblings fighting must terribly afflict them or cause suffering in them. A suffering they often project outward unto the world.
I remember a person I admire telling me the meanest and most sickening thing he ever saw was a group of boys fill a glass jar full with live garden snakes, put its lid on tight and boil it in water. Then watch them squirm around frantically before they die. If the scene I described does not sicken you as it did me when I heard it what does that say about you. Jesus Christ could see when Satan entered a person. If you feel you identify with the one who closed the lid on the jar, pray that he leaves you. If you identify with the snakes in the jar is it because of their suffering and struggle or because they are snakes like you that should not be placed in a jar and boiled to death. Now I could go on and on by thinking of different ways you might identify with the emotion you felt as you read the story, but what was your reaction? It sickened me that someone would enjoy watching something struggle and die like this. I can only rationalize that they feel someone treats them in this fashion in life or that they are just plain evil. There is more hope for humanity if the former is true. Because if the former is true people can make a positive difference in our world to see that it is better or attempt create a framework for a better future for us. Frameworks once built are always subject to sabotage and neglect, disrespect and intentional abuse by those who do not feel they fit in with the framework. The challenge for humanity is that it must always accommodate for those new to the world so that the frameworks can be reinforced or new frameworks built take into account change. And my analogy comes from people dropping heavy dumbbells at the gym and not one of building more and more prisons that are safer and more captive as some have professed. To the contrary a framework of society that needs less prison is what we should strive for. This framework would have to be based on equality, respect and fairness.
I have come to realize that those who like to slight me hate to be watched by me.
Quantum physics teaches us the observer and the observed are one. Can observing then be said to be either disturbing or augmenting. Is the direction or outcome of observance based on intent? It is often more of a surprise to the observer. And if somebody does not like to be observed because it disturbs them, I respect that and do not observe them.
Seeing someone observing or peeking at you often is a form of enlightenment.
God Bless Those Who Are Enlightened
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
The Painful Childbirth
The Painful Childbirth 07 07 2010
Does the pain of childbirth lead to responsible parenting as opposed to a child that is adopted?
I would have to say, yes. As mothers that have children they gave birth to always take the pain of birthing them into consideration when determining what is in the child’s best interest. When a mother thinks of children are her thoughts linked to the pain of its birth, or the baby’s painful inception in her memory and therefore more her relationship is closer to the child. Can it be said closer relationship to the child or identification with them lead to better upbringing of the child.
For example, would a mother by way of natural childbirth be less protective of her children? Would that lead to greater independence and therefore the development of greater character and integrity than a mother that does not feel as close a relationship or IDENTIFICATION with the child? How does a mother relate to a child she maintains she has a distant responsibility for?
Does a mother that could not have children idolize the ones she adopted? Idolize, meaning spoiling with attention to the point that it sickens the child and those the child then identifies with? Are there some mothers that feel their naturally born children are not indeed their responsibility? It is a form of abuse to deny children are your personal responsibility and accuse someone else for your actions with regard to this that violate the rights of others. It is also a sign that you lack the intelligence or understanding to teach and raise children yourself.
Are women that abuse their bodies through some forms of disrespect for themselves, forms of disrespect such as, but not limited to promiscuity, sometimes unable to have children because of this? What respect would they have for children they then adopt? Do women that are unable to have children or do not identify with their children, externalize the blame and therefore responsibility for them in a generalized or specific psychosis directed at others.
God Bless Those Who Think For Themselves
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy