Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Nature of Duplcity 03 01 2007

Found this old one and thought some might like it.

The Nature of Duplicity
“Is it human nature to hate ourselves and project that outwards?”  3/1/2007
From a young age I started to question what I said and did and the ideology that governed these.  What was at interest? What interest was being served by my actions and how hard it was to do things a different way when I tried?
For example how peoples self expression is stifled by completely proper grammar and how sometimes there thinking should be along the lines of more proper grammar.  Along these lines why my written work was better than my verbal expressions.  How emotions govern true self expression.  How what you feel prevents you from saying what you think.
And how what a person say’s will with experience always reveal how they feel no matter how they try and mask their face through what they say.
Look at how they look as they say.  Do the two seem consistent to you?  When are they “Open” with what they are saying?  When do they look very open with what they are saying yet sound very “Closed”?
What do you feel when you see and hear them near you?
What do you feel as you see and hear them talk?
Will a supposed enemy give you the right advice to only take delight in watching you not follow it?
And the next time give you poor advice in the hopes that you will have thought that the last time they actually did give you the right advice and that therefore their nature is completely trustworthy.  Only to follow this second change up advice to ruin.
Very few people will look you in the eye during the complete conversation.  Knowing the appropriate time to look a person directly in the eye during a conversation will tell you of the truth of what they are saying to you and whether their self interest is being more considered than yours which may actually be the case.
When it comes to your own realization that they are wrong and or told a lie to you and you try and look them in the eye at that very moment and they won’t or just vice versa they tell a lie and try and look you in the eye to gauge your response.  These clues will tell you whether they are the shifty sort or not.
After much experience with this or a certain person you don’t need to look them in the eye at all.  All you have to do is listen and look at them at the appropriate time for your own personal amusement or grief.
Some people think that by watching you do a task they have learned exactly how to do something as you did it only to try it for them and fail.  They think because they have seen you do it they knew how to do it and thus need not to.  Only by successful doing what you do, do you and or them know they have learned from seeing.
Why is it you can show and tell someone to do something and even give them detailed written instructions and they still can’t figure it out?  Is it because they love their own ways rather than those that would work?  Is it because they feel they have to “OWN” their understanding.  Loving your own ways that are not successful is a form of hatred.  Either of yourself or others.
Sometimes we hate ourselves for not saying what we believe, resent ourselves for not acting as we believed or feel others do not like you and therefore you should not follow their advice.
A.    You were given wrong advice.
B.     Somehow you could never follow good advice because you could not recognize it as being better than your own invalid beliefs.

When you have been successful whose advice did you take? 
Did you feel best when you have successful outcomes based on your own thinking or others or when you are able to synthesize both?

Do you feel best when you have a successful outcome when doing the opposite of what your are told by someone you think is either an è
a.     Idiot/fool
b.     Lire
c.      Friend
d.     Very smart person
e.     ?

What have you thought of all they express?
What were the outcomes of experiences with the previous types listed above?

Idea for a book è Of a young learner who has the experiences with those five characters and what does he learn from each?

When is someone a fool or just acting like one so you can learn how not to be a fool?  You can always learn from either!
Sometimes you know one is not a fool but acting like one to teach.  What are you deciding you are learning from the “fool’?

What do you feel of the term life is just a circus and we are merely players?

What do you think of the clown who rides the unicycle, the dancing bear, and the trained elephant?
When you see the man walk the tightrope do you think you could only do that it if you devoted a whole lifetime to it?

What does the clown know of what he does -  -  - if not all?
Does the clown ever make a true mistake?
Look at how the clown’s eyes are painted sad as you watch him err?  Is it human nature to watch people err and laugh at them as they do?  Is this a good form of learning to laugh at others mistakes and how do you feel when others laugh at your mistakes?  Do you always feel they are laughing at you or with you? Are you meant to be the clown or just have the sad face of one who errs?

Which is better to be the audience prepared to laugh, the clown or the person with the sad face who resembles the clown?

Does what you tell yourself make you better or worse?

How far will a person get if they unyielding only walk a straight line in one direction?---It cannot be done!

How do feel as people try more and more to prove an opinion to you that is contrary to yours?  Who is bearing the “Burden of Proof.”   Do you often find yourself where is the lie in their longer proof?  Do you feel it should be the world’s burden of proof to prove you wrong or does it then become your task to prove yourself write to others, or just yourself?  Does only a fool argue with a fool or DO TWO FOOLS ARGUING BECOME LESS FOOLS EACH?
If you know they are wrong do you feel it is your burden to prove them right?  Is it best to believe in yourself and leave them with their own beliefs or lies?  Or do you believe they may be arguing with you to learn from you.  It is probably for the good of humanity if at the very least subtly state your opinion and try and convey you’re reasoning thereof if you can get a word in edgewise.

When you are doing a task well and you see others are envious what happens next?  How should you really feel when you SEE envy?  How should you feel when you hear envy?  Do you accurately recognize envy when you hear it or see it?

How do others react when you recognize their envy?  Do you feel they are usually mean or counterproductive to you because they know what you have realized is indeed their own form in some way of self loathing?  And then do you see a pattern where they don’t want you to reinforce what you know of them and their envy  as self loathing and what it say’s of them.  Do you find that for some reason they try and distract, divert you in some way or change the subject, and this results in you not remembering their envy?  Do you feel that people do not you to recognize their envy as a sign of your greater accomplishment?  Do your accomplishments then become greater or worse as a result of this process?  Are you made better or worse or are they made better or worse, should anyone feel the either of the former?  Does the term know thyself fit accurately here?

What would you think of a speaker from afar that you never formally met who comes to you and say’s, “I don’t like you and you don’t like me?” is it worth arguing about?  When someone says something to you with an expression of harmful intent do you just react with hatred back to them or do you try and think that maybe you can learn something from what they said in a wise way to better yourself? =è This is always worth a try!

One last thought, “Have there been times in the past where the person has acted and meant well for you to that result?”  If you able to follow their wrong thinking to lead you to your own right conclusion THEY HAVE INDEED HELPED YOU.

Thomas Paul Murphy 

Copyright 03 02 2007 Thomas Paul Murphy

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